Monday, June 25, 2012

Soggy Day Song Sparrow

Today has been full of rain, rain, and more rain -- it's quite a nice change, actually, from the scorching hot weather of a few days ago. During a brief break in the clouds this afternoon, I took a quick trip out to Southford Falls State Park to take a look around. By the time I got there, the thunder was already sounding again, so I didn't get too far.... But I did get to hang out with this Song Sparrow, who was taking advantage of the momentarily dry weather to come out and explore, just like me:

I will never get tired of seeing these birds -- I think they are just the cutest. And this one seemed particularly sweet, hopping around in the rain-brightened moss and surrounded by spangly grass stalks:

Now it's raining again and we're all safe back in our homes. It's nice to know that even with just a few minutes to spend outside, it's still possible to find interesting things to see. :)


  1. I love the song sparrows. They are wonderful singers. I've had some of my best walks in between rain storms - seems like everything comes to life!

    1. I agree. We have a few Song Sparrows that hang out in our yard, and they spend a lot of time serenading us with their songs. They're such sweet, lively birds. :D

  2. I couldn't agree more! Thanks for sharing with us your moment of delight.
